How to Safely Remove Vomit Stuck in Your Nose and Restore Normal Breathing

Experiencing a blockage in your nose due to vomit can be an uncomfortable and distressing situation. It can interfere with your ability to breathe normally and may even cause a lingering unpleasant smell. However, there are several safe and effective methods you can use to remove the vomit and restore normal breathing. This article will guide you through the steps you can take to alleviate this issue.

Understanding the Situation

When you vomit, the force can cause the contents of your stomach to enter your nasal passages. This can lead to blockage and discomfort. It’s important to remove the vomit as soon as possible to prevent infection and restore normal breathing.

Immediate Steps to Take

  1. Blow your nose: The simplest and most immediate step you can take is to blow your nose. This can help to dislodge the vomit and clear your nasal passages.

  2. Rinse with warm water: If blowing your nose isn’t enough, try rinsing your nasal passages with warm water. You can do this by leaning over a sink, pouring a small amount of warm water into one nostril, and then blowing it out through the other nostril.

  3. Use a nasal spray: Over-the-counter saline nasal sprays can also be effective in flushing out your nasal passages. Follow the instructions on the packaging for best results.

Preventing Infection

After you’ve cleared the vomit from your nose, it’s important to take steps to prevent infection. This can include rinsing your nasal passages with a saline solution, using a humidifier to keep your nasal passages moist, and avoiding irritants such as smoke and dust.

When to Seek Medical Attention

If you’re unable to clear the vomit from your nose, or if you’re experiencing severe discomfort, it’s important to seek medical attention. A healthcare professional can safely remove the blockage and provide treatment to prevent infection.


Having vomit stuck in your nose can be an unpleasant experience, but there are several steps you can take to safely remove it and restore normal breathing. If you’re unable to clear the blockage yourself, don’t hesitate to seek medical attention.